Once upon a time I taught my daughters to cook.
I taught them that cooking is a way of loving well…
that feeding friends and family delicious food nourishes their bodies and delights their souls…
that creating all those inviting scents in the kitchen lures those you love the most right into the heart of your home.
Only I left out a few essential ingredients in all my teaching and cooking and showing…
Things like cooking foods that are healthy and made by God to be good for you and not wreck havoc on your body.
Those kinds of things.
And so now my daughters are teaching me!
And since this place has become a sort of home for me, with lots of friends and women whose hearts are so like mine, I’d like to invite you into my learning.
Once a week my daughter, Elizabeth, is going to share with us her love for feeding her family good, nutritious, wholesome, delicious meals.
She’ll show us how she does it and why.
She’ll help us with our grocery lists and food budgets and how-to-make-meals-in-a-hurry and how to plan ahead… but mostly she’s going to give us her recipes for the really good stuff.
And sometimes we’re going to have guests on this page— and take a peek at food blogs Elizabeth loves, and maybe even set up a contest or two… because I still believe that cooking is a beautiful way of loving well.
So come along with me starting next Saturday as we listen and learn from Elizabeth.
From my heart,